Wojtek's travel log

First town in America


In 1565 Spaniards established on the coast of Florida first permanent settlement. No, it was not Miami, this was St Augustine. Today I was driving 3 hours from Orlando to see St Augustine. Few foreigners go there. But it is worth!  Very few towns in US had so many buildings from colonial era.  The nicest are concentrated here in and around atmospheric St  George Street. Just nearby on the shore you will see Castillo San Marcos – nice little fortress. But why they charge hefty 10 USD for the entrance?   Popular Trolley tour costs even more…

Then I was driving interstate 95 to Savannah. My toyota has cruise controller, so you can just program 70 miles per hour and take the feets off the pedals… Petrol is inexpensive – around 2 $ per gallon, but it is worth to shop around along your highway for the better price – the best I saw was 1,93.

In the evening I reached my next motel. Internet is much better here and it is included in the price of the room.