Wojtek's travel log

650 kms to Mt Isa

In the provincial town of Longreach you will find some samples of late 19th century architecture and… Quantas airline museum. The most impressive is real jumbo jet, there are also B707 and older planes.

After pictures we pump the fuel (1,26 AUD per litre here)  and started to drive west through semi-deserted plain. Many died kangaroos on the roadside!

After some 2 hours the landscape changed:


Further on we made a stopover in little Winton where they dig the opals and dinosaur bones. It is typical little township of the Austalian outback – with more then 100 kms to the next one:


On the road we saw in average one car from the opposite direction coming every 20 minutes only. But the days was nice. We enjoyed the lunch on the open air – there are parking bays every 50 kms or so. Three hours later blue sky disappeared.  Heavy clouds came from the west. It was already raining when we saw on the horizon two high chmnieys of the mining city of Mt Isa. It has nice location, surrounded by the green/red hills. An a/c cabin for two with bath, fridge and little electric stove cost us 100 AUD.