Wojtek's travel log

To wait for the low water level?!


The nature of Australia is surprising! Today in the morning we wanted to leave Carnarvon NP. But on the road connecting park with the world there are few fords to drive through, the level of the water on the last one was 75 cm – too much for our car. Water was very powerful. We were waiting there hoping that the level will go down. No chance. An Australian arrived with a truck, but for him 75 cm was also too high. We stiudied his detailed mam and eventually found the long detour by muddy country road. It was not blocked by the water!
Happy but dirty we reached in the afternoon Capricorn Highway. The heading west we crossed Drummond Range with nice view from 535 m pass. Weather was improving. At the evening we were already in a picturesque provincial town of Longreach. It is already real Australian Outback!
