Wojtek's travel log

By car to Carnarvon NP…

prepaid well in advance rental and full insurance of the car from Europcar company. But this was very dramatic moment when I came to Europcar office in Brisbane and they said that they do not respect my international driving license – they need Polish one. I left it home. My companion has Polish license but Europcar system for some reason did not respect his credict card (but we used it in Australian shops). Long story…. Stress… In such a moments you desperately need a help. The help came from my Friend living in Brisbane. Thank you so much, Waldek! I will never forget it!

And of course I do not recommend Europcar -never more!
We left Brisbane with 3 hours delay.
At sunset time we were still en route -in Roma.

An hour later It was raining, herds of cows and kangaroos on the secondary road to Carnarvon Gorge. We crossed few small rivers fording.
It was 9.30 pm when, after 740 kms of driving we reached our tent in Takarakka Camp. It was raining all night…
