Wojtek's travel log

Back in Brisbane


For the first time the night was choppy. The sea was not so calm… I did not sleep well. We have a monitor in our inside cabin connected to the outside camera. In the morning we found that we are already on the Brisbane River. But it was cloudy and instead of blue – like 2 weeks ago we saw it gray under the grey sky. They wanted us to leave the cabins before 8 am. What a change! Nobody smiles…
Out of the ship the immigration and customs control was perfectly organized. Bravo! After 10 minutes I was already on the street. I crossed Kingsford Street Rd and jump on the bus 300 going to the city center. It cost 5,60 AUDbut it is still the cheapest way to go from cruise terminal to downtown Brisbane,
Near the central station there is a little enclave of cheap accommodation. I found Acacia B&B on Upper Edward St. Twin room with breakfast and shared bath cost 95 dollars and this is not expensive. The best view of the city skyline is from other side of Victoria Bridge. I am waiting for my companion coming from Poland. Tommorrow we plan to drive to the outback.
