Wojtek's travel log

Hiking the Tiger Gorge


Chinese legend says that desperated tiger escaping the hunter jumped through the rough Jinsha river at the place where it is only 25 m wide. In addition the huge boulder lies here in the middle of the river (they call it Tiger Stone). Now it is the main tourist attraction. Buses full of Chinese tourists are coming here – to the place called Upper Rapids. It is close to the main road in Qiaotou… The place offers great view, but to be closer to the river you have to take the solid stairs – about 200 m down. Few tourists decide to go down the gorge to see middle and lower rapids. I did.


There is a nice mountain road sneaking some 300 m above the river offering many great views and the car traffic on this segment is minimal. Ambitious people took the trail – path going above the road, but this sulution offers rather the views og the surrounding peaks and walls then the views of the river. It took me full day to walk from the Upper Rapids to the lower ones where I live in Tibet GH. But what a day!
