Wojtek's travel log

To Bald Rock National Park

I am in Brisbane. My friend was so kind to take one day off from his work and invited me for the tour to the Bald Rock. It is more then 250 kms southwest of Brisbane, already in NSW state. In the morning we were pushing slowly through the traffic jams of the big city. After an hour we reached and crossed Dividing Range. After another 2 hours we reached the target.


Bold Rock is huge granite monolith some 280 m high. It is in the NSW national park so you must pay the entry fee in self-service station – 8 AUD per car. Then you can climb the rock. Ufff… in the strong sun on the naked big stone it was not easy, but after 20 min we reched forest on the ridge and after next quarter of easy walk -the summit. There were Nice views of the thick forest around and the other granite mountains on the horizon. One of them – the Pyramid -picture above – we visited later in the afternoon.


Going down the easier, but longer way between big boulders I heared nasty -Miauuuu, miauuuu!  And again -Miauuu!  Waldek explained: it is not cat in the forest. It is the catbird – one more secret of Australia…

Back in Brisbane we were talking about the world, travel ideas and experiences till late. Waldek  and Ala are also passionate travellers. Thanks a lot for an interesting day and your warm hospitality, dear friends!